Hosting Setup

Build the project First

Using the ionic extension Locate Capacitor, under that select build after the build is done, select Sync.

Hosting on web

You can use npm (the Node Package Manager) to install the Firebase CLI.

  1. Install Node.js using nvm (the Node Version Manager). Installing Node.js automatically installs the npm command tools.Note: The Firebase CLI requires Node.js v8.0.0 or later. Some Firebase services might require specific versions of Node.js, so check each Firebase service's getting started page for any specific Node.js requirements.

  2. Install the Firebase CLI via npm by running:

    npm install -g firebase-tools

    This command enables the globally available firebase command.Note: If the npm install -g firebase-tools command fails, you might need to change npm permissions.

Sign in and test the Firebase CLI

After installing the CLI, you must authenticate. Then you can confirm authentication by listing your Firebase projects.

  1. Sign into Firebase using your Google account:

    firebase login

    This command connects your local machine to Firebase and grants you access to your Firebase projects.Note: You can also use the Firebase CLI with CI systems.

  2. Test that the CLI is properly installed and accessing your account by listing your Firebase projects:

    firebase list

    The displayed list should be the same as the Firebase projects listed in the Firebase console.

Update to the latest CLI version

Generally, you want to use the most up-to-date Firebase CLI version.In many cases, new features and bug fixes are available only with the latest version of the Firebase CLI. It's a good practice to frequently update the CLI to its latest version.

How you update the CLI version depends on your operating system and how you installed the CLI.WindowsMac OSLinux

Use the CLI with CI systems

The Firebase CLI requires a browser to complete authentication, but the CLI is fully compatible with CI and other headless environments.

  1. On a machine with a browser, install the Firebase CLI.

  2. Start the sign in process by running:

    firebase login:ci
  3. Visit the URL provided, then sign in using a Google account.

  4. Print a new refresh token. The current CLI session will not be affected.

  5. Store the output token in a secure but accessible way in your CI system.

  6. Use this token when running firebase commands; you have two options:

    • Store the token as the environment variable FIREBASE_TOKEN. Your system will automatically use the token.

    • Run all firebase commands with the --token <token> flag in your CI system. The order of precedence for token loading is flag, environment variable, desired Firebase project.

Note: On any machine with the Firebase CLI installed, you can immediately revoke access for the specified token by running: firebase logout --token token

Initialize a Firebase project

Many common tasks performed using the CLI, such as deploying to a Firebase project, require a project directory. You establish a project directory using the firebase init command. A project directory is usually the same directory as your source control root, and after running firebase init, the directory contains a firebase.json configuration file.

To initialize a new Firebase project, run the following command from within your app's directory:

firebase init

Note: The firebase init command does not create a new directory. If you're starting a new app, you must first make a directory, then run firebase init from within that directory.

The firebase init command steps you through setting up your project directory and some Firebase products. During project initialization, the Firebase CLI asks you to:

  • Select desired Firebase products then prompts you to set configurations for specific files for the selected products.

    To set up a specific Firebase product for your project, refer to that product's documentation for setup information (for example, Hosting). Note that you can always run firebase init later to set up more Firebase products.

  • Select a default Firebase project.

    This step associates the current project directory with a Firebase project so that project-specific commands (like firebase deploy) run against the appropriate Firebase project.

    It's also possible to associate multiple Firebase projects (such as a staging project and a production project) with the same project directory.

At the end of initialization, Firebase automatically creates and adds two files to the root of your local app directory:

  • A firebase.json configuration file that lists your project configuration.

  • A .firebaserc file that stores your project aliases.

The firebase.json file

The firebase init command creates a firebase.json configuration file in the root of your project directory.

The firebase.json file is required to deploy assets with the Firebase CLI because it specifies which files and settings from your project directory are deployed to your Firebase project. Since some settings can be defined in either your project directory or the Firebase console, make sure that you resolve any potential deployment conflicts.

You can configure most Firebase Hosting options directly in the firebase.json file. However, for other Firebase services that can be deployed with the Firebase CLI, the firebase init command creates specific files where you can define settings for those services, such as an index.js file for Cloud Functions. You can also set up predeploy or postdeploy hooks in the firebase.json file.Note: If you run firebase init again for any Firebase service, the command will overwrite the corresponding section of the firebase.json file back to the default configuration for that service.

The following is an example firebase.json file with default settings if you select Firebase Hosting, Cloud Firestore, and Cloud Functions for Firebase during initialization.

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "ignore": [
  "firestore": {
    "rules": "firestore.rules",
    "indexes": "firestore.indexes.json"
  "functions": {
    "predeploy": [
      "npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint"

Serve and test your Firebase project locally

You can view and test your Firebase project on locally hosted URLs before deploying to production. If you only want to test select features, you can use a comma-separated list in a flag on the firebase serve command.

Run the following command from the root of your local project directory if you want to either:

firebase serve --only hosting

Run any of the following commands from your project directory to emulate your project using local HTTP functions.

  • To emulate HTTP functions and hosting for testing on local URLs, use either of the following commands:

    firebase serve
    firebase serve --only functions,hosting // uses a flag
  • To emulate HTTP functions only, use the following command:

    firebase serve --only functions

By default, firebase serve only responds to requests from localhost. This means that you'll be able to access your hosted content from your computer's web browser but not from other devices on your network. If you'd like to test from other local devices, use the --host flag:

firebase serve --host  // accepts requests to any host

Deploy to a Firebase project

The Firebase CLI manages deployment of code and assets to your Firebase project, including:

  • New releases of your Firebase Hosting sites

  • New, updated, or existing Cloud Functions for Firebase

  • Rules for Firebase Realtime Database

  • Rules for Cloud Storage for Firebase

  • Rules for Cloud Firestore

  • Indexes for Cloud Firestore

To deploy to a Firebase project, run the following command from your project directory:

firebase deploy

By default, firebase deploy creates a release for all deployable resources in your project directory. To deploy specific Firebase services or features, use partial deployment.

Note that to deploy resources from a project directory, the project directory must have a firebase.json file. This file was automatically created for you by the firebase init command.

You can optionally add a comment to each of your deployments. This comment will display with the other deployment information on your project's Firebase Hosting page. For example:

firebase deploy -m "Deploying the best new feature ever."

Deployment conflicts for security rules

For Firebase Realtime Database, Cloud Storage for Firebase, and Cloud Firestore, you can define security rules either in your local project directory or in the Firebase console.Note: When you deploy security rules using the Firebase CLI, the rules defined in your project directory overwrite any existing rules in the Firebase console. So, if you choose to define or edit your security rules using the Firebase console, make sure that you also update the rules defined in your project directory.

Another option to avoid deployment conflicts is to use partial deployment and only define rules in the Firebase console.

Deployment quotas

It's possible (though unlikely) that you might exceed a quota that limits the rate or volume of your Firebase deployment operations. For example, when deploying very large numbers of functions, you might receive an HTTP 429 Quota error message. To solve such issues, try using partial deployment or requesting quota increases for specific Firebase services. For example, the quota called Write requests per 100 seconds per user might help to resolve the Cloud Functions 429 error cited above.

Roll back a deployment

You can roll back a Firebase Hosting deployment from your project's Firebase Hosting page by selecting the Rollback action for the desired release.

It's not currently possible to roll back releases of security rules for Firebase Realtime Database, Cloud Storage for Firebase, or Cloud Firestore.

Deploy specific Firebase services

If you only want to deploy specific Firebase services or features, you can use a comma-separated list in a flag on the firebase deploy command. For example, the following command deploys Firebase Hosting content and Cloud Storage security rules.

firebase deploy --only hosting,storage

The following table lists the services and features available for partial deployment. The names in the flags correspond to the keys in your firebase.json configuration file.

Flag syntax

Service or feature deployed

--only hosting

Firebase Hosting content

--only database

Firebase Realtime Database rules

--only storage

Cloud Storage for Firebase rules

--only firestore

Cloud Firestore rules and indexes

--only firestore:rules

Cloud Firestore rules

--only firestore:indexes

Cloud Firestore indexes

--only functions

Note: The --only rules syntax used by older versions of the CLI is deprecated.

Last updated

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